The real employee lifecycle
Cassandra Babilya Cassandra Babilya

The real employee lifecycle

You're open to work and your future employer is out there trying to attract talent! Understand the employee lifecycle from the employee's perspective with this side-by-side breakdown.

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How to recognize your team year-round
Cassandra Babilya Cassandra Babilya

How to recognize your team year-round

82% of employees are happier when recognized at work

Now that employee appreciation day is done, I'm sharing four ways to create a culture of recognition for your team all year long.

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Recognizing when you need a change
Cassandra Babilya Cassandra Babilya

Recognizing when you need a change

How to recognize the signs from your body, mind, and heart screaming at you that it's time to make a change (be that quitting your job or otherwise). Are you ready to tune in and trust yourself?

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The problem with DEI solutions based on assumptions
Cassandra Babilya Cassandra Babilya

The problem with DEI solutions based on assumptions

Let's stop assuming someone's identify and preferred communities based on check boxes. Let's also stop giving already high-performing Black employees extra work so they can demonstrate their value enough to be promoted or compensated appropriately.

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Claim your time and calendar
Cassandra Babilya Cassandra Babilya

Claim your time and calendar

Do you feel like you spend your days reacting to other people's needs? Wish you could gain some control over your workday? I've got you. That's right, we're talking about boundaries.

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What women want at work
Cassandra Babilya Cassandra Babilya

What women want at work

We keep the peace because we want peace. We want to be left alone to do our jobs without the harassment, without the micro-aggressions, without the condescension, without the belittlement from the f**king patriarchy.

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How To Make Changes That Will Stick
Cassandra Babilya Cassandra Babilya

How To Make Changes That Will Stick

We humans are an ambitious bunch who really struggle with making change. The idea of committing to a few things to Change Your Life, starting tomorrow. That's intoxicating. And incredibly hard.

This is my approach to making changes that stick, starting with setting an intention.

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So, work still sucks?
Cassandra Babilya Cassandra Babilya

So, work still sucks?

When folks first learned my employee experience strategy was simply to make work suck less, some were all in. And, others were confused. "Won't that mean that work still sucks?"

In a word, yes. Work still sucks.

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How my company and team supported me through pregnancy, loss, and recovery.
Cassandra Babilya Cassandra Babilya

How my company and team supported me through pregnancy, loss, and recovery.

Three weeks ago, we lost our baby at nearly 22 weeks pregnant. This article is partly my attempt at processing this tragedy, and partly to share with organizations the importance of generous and frustration-free benefits and compassionate leaders. I frankly cannot imagine going through this without the support of both.

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Lessons in work-life balance from the war zone: If no one is dead or dying, go home.
Cassandra Babilya Cassandra Babilya

Lessons in work-life balance from the war zone: If no one is dead or dying, go home.

If you work in an office, a retail store, a coffee shop, at home--this probably seems like a dramatic bit of work-life balance advice. It may resonate more with those of you who work in more precarious settings (e.g., emergency services, military). For me, it became my personal mantra during a one-year stint in Afghanistan. Where do you draw the line between routine, urgent, and emergency when life and death scenarios were common and days could easily run 18-20 hours, 7 days a week?

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